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What is the best way to get to know a hero? It's by reading their lore! You may not be able to meet face-to-face with you favorite heroes, but you can at least learn more about them from their in-game lore pages. In this blog post, we'll talk about some of our favorite games and heroes that have good lore pages. Heroes Lore 2 - The Knight of Frozen Sea English 240x320. Heroes Lore 2 - The Knight of Frozen Sea English 240x320The first game we are going to talk about is the mobile MOBA, Heroes Lore. In this game, you can choose your favorite heroes from different backgrounds, including the Demon Abyss, Holy City, Spirit Land and the Human World. Heroes Lore 2 - The Knight of Frozen Sea English 240x320. You can even unlock some rare heroes! For lore fans, this game has good amount lore pages containing background stories for different characters in Heroes Lore world. The second game we recommend is the mobile roguelike, Heroes Lore: The Metamor City. In this game, you can also unlock some rare heroes and characters, and there's even a lore page for each of them. If you're a lore fan in this game, we suggest reading all their pages to get to know more about them. Heroes Lore: The Metamor City English 240x320.The next hero we want to talk about is the character from the mobile MMORPG, Relics of War: Army of Resurrection . In this game, characters can level up and learn skills from interacting with other characters in the army. The Army of Resurrection lore page has a lot of interesting background stories about each character. Heroes Lore - Army of Resurrection English 240x320. Heroes Lore 2 - The Knight of Frozen Sea English 240x320The next game we want to talk about is the PC MMORPG, Heroes Lore: God Of Death . In this game, each class has their own set of skills, armor and weapon. If you're a lore fan in this game, we recommend reading all their pages to get to know more about them. Heroes Lore: God of Death English 240x320.The next game we want to talk about is the mobile MMO, Heroes Lore: Sudden Drop . In this game, if a character in your party fail a quest in a dungeon, a random one of them will drop out. At the bottom of the screen, you can see their level and how much experience they have gained. If you're a lore fan in this game, we suggest reading all their pages to get to know more about them. Don't forget to check out their helpful quests guide! Heroes Lore - Sudden Drop English 240x320. cfa1e77820